2022-01-14 Board Meeting
2022-01-14 Board Meeting
tags: UF Caprentries
Meeting Info
- Location: Remote
- Date: January 14, 2022 04:00 PM (EST)
- Agenda
- Introductions
- Approve minutes from 2021 December 8 meeting
- Update on FY22 budget
- Finalize past & potential sponsor emails
- Past sponsorship data has been copied into un-dated “Potential Sponsors” sheet. Should original data sheets be deleted?
- Schedule and delegate organization of “Intro to R” and “Intro to Data Science” workshops
- Website preparation
- Instructor recruitment
- Promotion
- Assessment
- Update on Carpentries support for remaining Spring 2022 workshops
- Other business
- Participants:
- Cory Brunson, Caitlin Campbell, Amanda Markee, Narayani Barve, Amobichukwu Amanambu
- Meeting Chair: Cory
- Meeting Secretary: Caitlin
Approve meeting minutes
- Approve minutes from December 14th 2021 Board Meeting
- Approved by board majority.
Update on FY22 budget
- Tabled until someone with budget experience is available
Sponsorship emails & contact
- Cory has proposed edits to a set of current and potential sponsor emails.
- Archiving older documents is approved.
- Current sponsor email:
- clarified text on in-person fees
- New sponsor email:
- Checked marked-up version, minor comments, Cory will approve comments and get approval of final numbers in a coming email
- Volunteering folks to send sponsor emails.
- Internal deadline for initial contact emails by end of January. Plan follow-ups for 8-10 days after.
Schedule and delegate organization of “Intro to R” and “Intro to Data Science” workshops
- Intro to R in late January, Intro to Data Science in late February
- Intro to R planning
- Which lesson plan to follow– Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists (https://datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/) vs. R for reproducible analysis (https://swcarpentry.github.io/r-novice-gapminder/)
- Considered moving dates around, urgency in scheduling central workshops pretty soon.
- Pushing back to Jan 31-1 February. Announcement / promotions as soon as possible.
- Cory and Narayani will take point as co-organizers. Cory will get website up.
- Data Science, co-let by Cory and Amobi.
- Amanda will help with promotion
Update on Carpentries support for remaining Spring 2022 workshops
- No availability before last week of March.
- Classes end April 20
- Amanda will start an email thread to discuss the best dates to pursue these– no major time limitations on our end, or even need to space them out.
Notes for next meeting:
- Chair and secretary will remain Cory/Caitlin next meeting
- Next meeting is Monday January 24th 11am-12pm EST