2021-08-17 Board Meeting
2021-08-17 Board Meeting
tags: Minutes
- Location: Zoom
- Date: August 17, 2021 10.00AM
- Agenda
- Introductions
- Approve Minutes from 8/03/21 Board Meeting
- Discuss Fall Meet & Greet Event
- Review Elections Forms
- Genomics Workshop Update
- Participants:
- Audrey Smith
- Trista Brophy
- Narayani Barve
- Vijay Barve
- Coty Brunson
- Brandon Merriell
- Massimiliano Tagliamonte
- Plato Smith
- Alethea
- Meeting Chair: Trista
- Meeting Secretary: Vijay :::
- Minutes of the Meeting approved
- Meet and Greet event
- Buffet style food
- Post basic policy like use of masks, use gloves while serving etc.
- We have about 20 registrations so far
- Can people from remote location be accommodated
- Do we have a formal presentation or just informal introductions of board members and talk about Carpentries
- A presentation running on repeat mode, use white board to write beforehand
- Review Elections Forms
- Trista has created the form
- Board members had a look at the form and made some suggestions
- Workshop updates
- We will get tentative dates form Hao and decide the schedule accordingly
- Virtual “Intro to R” workshop in September 2021 was suggested and everyone supported the idea. Plan will be discussed in the next meeting
- Narayani will set up poll for available organizers and instructures for the workshop
- Misc
- T shirts would be ready by ‘Meet and Greet’
- Brandon will Chair next meeting and Audry will be Secretary