2021-07-20 Board Meeting
UF Carpentries Meeting Minutes
tags: Templates
- Location: Zoom
- Date: July 20, 2021 10.00AM
- Agenda
- Introductions
- Approve Minutes from 07/06/21 Board Meeting
- Genomics & Library Workshops Updates
- Fall ‘Meet & Greet’ Event & Elections Discussion Cont’d
- Annual Report Updates
- Participants:
- Audrey Smith
- Vijay Barve
- Alethea Geiger
- Massimilino Tagliamonte
- Amobichukwu Amanambu
- Hao Ye
- Plato Smith
- Brandon Merriell
- Nitya Singh
- Meeting Chair: Audrey
- Meeting Secretary: Vijay :::
- A round of introductions since we have few new members.
- Minutes for 07/06/2021 are approved unanimously.
- Genomics & Library Workshops planning
- Max and Nitya are planning Genomics workshop and have some clarifications regrding the logistics which were clarified
- Max is contacting more insturctures
- Workshop will not happen during July or August, but in fall.
- Hao is working on Library workshop possibaly second half of September 2021 and is meeting Libraries team this week
- Let us aim to have traget dates on calendar in next meeting so can plan the logistics better
- Brandon suggestes we should explore a early September Intro to R workshop for fall incoming students
- Fall ‘Meet & Greet’
- End of August, may be first week of classes
- Will be good opportunity to attract more board member applications, helpers etc
- Does SWC and DSI (Data Science and Informatrics) collabarate?
- May be interest in Intro to R in collabaration
- Elections
- It will be useful to have board starting early September.
- Instructor training
- Audry has requested for roll over four slots and waiting for reply
- Annual Report
- Some progress was made in last week
- Next meeting
- Meeting Chair: Max
- Meeting Secretary: Vijay