2021-03-02 Board Meeting
tags: UF Caprentries
- Location: Remote
- Date: March 2, 2021 10:00 AM (ET)
- Agenda
• Introductions • Approve minutes from February 16th board meeting • Finalize instructor training application process • Planning for Geospatial workshop for end of March • Discussion of annual reports • Updates on sponsorships
- Participants:
- Brandon, Trista, Narayani, Vijay, Audrey, Amobichukwu, Althea
- Meeting Chair: Brandon
- Meeting Secretary: Audrey
Approve meeting minutes
- Approve minutes from Feb 16th Board Meeting
- Approved by board majority
Discussion of instructor training application process
- Two week window for applications/expression of interest
- Applicants(up to 6 funded by membership) selected by Board by scoring system
- Create new Google form for those interested in instructor training -Use questions from Carpentries Org questionaire template & UF Carpentries template -Edit questions in Uf Carpentries Google sheet previously used: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Jjl_fwUyj16z5WZqZcT-eVjWQiQUcHboAZBuoFH7Xk/edit#gid=2067027417 -AD: How often are you willing to teach in next year? -AE: Remove- workshops currently virtual
- Instructor training opportunity announcement: -Email to Carpentries listserv (Narayani) -Post on social media accounts (Trista) -Email to hhelpers/instructions from previous workshops -Email to sponsoring departments
- Selected applicants: we will send code, direct to fill out Carpentries Org questionaire as “Pre-approved Registration” https://amy.carpentries.org/forms/request_training/
- Carpentries Instructor Training 2021 Calendar: https://carpentries.github.io/instructor-training/training_calendar/
Planning for geospatial workshop
- Two days: March 22-23
- Content: https://datacarpentry.org/r-raster-vector-geospatial/
- Drop sections 12 & 14 (can cover if enough time but don’t include in program)
- Vijay will start working on website
- Trista will set up workshop registration with Flora
- Instructors: Audrey, Amobi, Vijay & Narayani as needed
- Communicate via email over the next week
- Workshop planning meeting March 9th
Discussion of annual reports & sponsorship tabled until 3/16 meeting
Geospatial Workshop Planning Meeting - March 9th, 2021
- Meeting Postiions
- Chair: Brandon
- Secretary: Trista
Next Board Meeting - March 16th, 2021
- Meeting Positions
- Chair: Brandon
- Secretary: Trista