2021-02-16 Board Meeting

tags: UF Caprentries Meeting


  • Location: Remote
  • Date: Feb 16, 2021 10:00 AM (ET)
  • Agenda Introductions
    1. Approve minutes from February 2nd board meeting
    2. Discussion of annual reports with Geraldine
    3. Budget discussion
    4. Updates on sponsorships
    5. Discuss next workshop for Spring
    6. Virtual instructor training
  • Participants:
    • Brandon, Aida, Trista, Max, Narayani, Vijay, Audrey, Amobichukwu
  • Meeting Chair: Brandon
  • Meeting Secretary: Audrey, Trista)



Approve meeting minutes

  • Approve minutes from Feb 2nd Board Meeting
    • Approved by board majority

Discssion of annual reports

  • Tabled until next meeting
  • -Audrey will communicate with Geraldine about reports timeline and relay information to group at next meeting if Geraldine cannot attend. Audrey is working on producing the IFAS report.

Budget Discussion

  • Do we want to use any of the funds to pay for extra instructor training?
  • If we have a large number of interested folks, we might want consider moving up to the Gold membership next year.
  • When is our membership renewed? No one was sure the schedule for this.

Updates on sponsorships

  • UFGI unable to sponsor this year; perhaps next year.
  • Libraries said they will look into how they spnsored in the past and will most likely be able to sponsor again- they will get back to Brandon. -We have not yet asked IFAS for sponsorship as we need to send the annual report.

Discuss next workshop for spring

  • Last meeting Geospatial workshop was proposed for late March; genetics workshop also proposed; also possibly another Intro to R workshop.
  • Target late March for next workshop: March 22-23 or 29-30.
  • Vijay, Trista, Audrey organize; Amobi would like to be an instructor but unavailable week of March 29-April 2. Narayani would also help plan/teach if needed.
  • March 22-23 target date for Geospatial workshop. Will review workshop content at next meeting.
  • https://uf-carpentry.github.io/2019-05-07_UFBI-IFAS_geospatial/

Virtual instructor training

  • Max suggested only using the 6 slots we have and allow any additional instructor applicants to be assistants for the year and then first in line for the next year’s training
  • We should consider limiting instrutors to those who will be around for a year+ to help the club.
  • Brandon wants us to look at the application processs for the instructor training and prepare/open it by mid-march. -Vijay suggests inviting people to apply for instructor trainings; at workshops include link to follow carpentries, sign up to subscribe to listserv. -Before next meeting everyone take a look at application instructions for instructor training and determine if we need to change anything. [https://amy.carpentries.org/forms/request_training/]

    Positions for next meeting:

  • Next meeting: March 2, 2021
  • Meeting Chair: Brandon
  • Meeting Secretary: Audrey
