Approve minutes from July 21, 2020 board meeting:
August workshops.
Annual report.
Possible short collaboration with chemometrics course (Brian).
How do we approach potential sponsors this year?
Carla, Eve, Vratika, Alethea, Elise, Brian
Approval of meeting minutes
from July 21, 2020 board meeting:
Fall workshops
Nothing planned for August
Introductory workshop would be good:
software carpentry: R
high performance computing; carpentries has a new short lesson:
split into two days, separate registration?
For Hipergator would need to speak to Ying Zhang ( She’s the lead over there to coordinate an instructor from their end.
or two workshops: unix and HiperGator and then another workshop (R focused)
Include carpentries HPCC section in genomics (Carla and Taylor could probably organize one)
is the material going to be the same, or will the structure change with NVIDIA?
Althea will email Ying about this and will cc the board on it
August 12th there will be a seminar (good for the board to attend, on UFII website under AI initiative page)
registration will be up on the website
Do we want a stand alone workshop with unix and HPCC
want to check with Matt Gitzendanner’s schedule for HPG training, make sure not overlapping
Can reach out to him about the live coding workshop and he can help advertise it
Intro to R in mid-September (general agreement)
Sometime around 21-23 of Sept.
Annual report
Travel awards: does the number in the report include awards from this past round of awards (Alethea will confirm, but likely does)
All approve that this report
How do we handle distributing this?
Request that Jennica contacts Geraldine about how to proceed re: distribution
No specific deadline, try to give it out every fiscal year (For UF around July)
Membership renewal 15th August
Add specific detail about REC focused workshop
Carla will reply to the email thread, finalize over email before next board meeting
Possible short collaboration with chemometrics course (Brian).
John Bowden, wants short sequence of lectures (2-3 lectures) for chemometrics
Basic intro to machine learning
Could borrow material from the USDA workshop held in a prior year
Do a two class sequence, basic intro/hands on stuff
Open it up to people beyond his class, open as a mini-workshop
Do we want to do custom lectures for people’s courses?
USDA workshop went well last summer
Difficult to find time to put it together
Less instruction time, only two lectures
What does he expect for the class?
Would be happy to have someone show up and give students some hands-on work
If we do decide to do this, just make it a workshop? Or just the lectures that are open to other people?
Could just do short modules for his class
People willing to help, but some not familiar with the material
Brian will tell John he’s happy to teach, others will be willing to help
How do we approach potential sponsors this year?
Check with Geraldine and Jennica to cover topic with IFAS
UFII: Alethea checks with Dr. M
Museum, WEC, UFBI previous sponsors, we emailed them previously
We have a draft email ready to go in our shared drive
Only need $7500 for silver membership
Don’t really need to reach out to too many sponsors
Dropping down membership costs
Virtual workshops less cost
Do we want to build up funds for next year’s membership fee?
If we have extra from this year, will it need to be spent
The 3k from IFAS needs to be spent this year
But each funding source has different requirement for how quickly funds are spent
Still reach out to sponsors, to update them about what we’ve been doing
Vratika will do that for UFBI and WEC to let them know what we’re working on
Would want to ramp up asking for funding at the end of this fall, next spring for August 2021 registration
Incentive: early registration, particularly useful for online workshops that fill up quickly
How much does IFAS give us? $10k
In terms of budget, if we don’t have the membership fee, do we need to get funds? Fees were originally meant to cover membership fee if we couldn’t get sponsorship, but now used to cover food and travel awards
If we get extra funds they could go to travel awards