Approve minutes from June 16, 2020 board meeting:
REC workshop debrief.
Develop best practices procedures for security and safety of virtual workshops. We can discuss:
Zoom features (waiting room, meeting password, etc.).
Registrations within Zoom or outside of zoom?
Email domain restrictions.
Carpentries membership renewal (Brian will present some info/ideas).
August workshops.
Annual report.
Brian, Alethea, Elise, Carla, Eve
Approve minutes from June 16, 2020 board meeting
REC Workshop debrief
Circulated initial invite to REC folks (10-11 people) then opened up to UFII listerve (filled, then 15 people added to waitlist)
Half of people that registered showed up to workshop (15 people), should we charge a fee to make sure people show up
Not a lot of extra work to have a higher registration limit
Four day format: all day long is a long time for zoom, so shorter segments were appreciated
People who came for the first day generally stayed the whole time
Alethea has found that a fee of $10 has helped with other workshops
If you deliberately contact people at the beginning of the workshop to confirm that they’re planning to attend, could also improve turnout
long term, for digital workshops: have to think of financial solvency as well
for the people who registered but did not attend, will we take any action, like choosing to not let them register for another workshop, lower priority on the student list
Didn’t take attendance this time, but consider for future workshops
Has been effective in other Carpentries workshops
Thought it went really well
Slack channel really helped
What do we do for more advanced workshops when beginners are in attendance?
Make sure it’s clear in the original write up
How do we screen this?
Carpentries used to have pre-screening questions, but people have trouble evaluating themselves
Send people the beginning material to people telling them what we will be skipping
Don’t have to ask them to leave, but just state that their questions are related to basic material, and instructors/helpers can’t spend time on it
Some feedback that the REC people preferred the virtual, flexible to join in/leave as needed
Develop best practices procedures for security and safety of virtual workshops
Want to formally address this
How do we handle registrations
Waiting room feature
if meant for ufl people, people should register with their ufl email
Have moderators who should only allow for people on the list
Don’t allow non-ufl people to not register
When we set up the meeting, we can set up this filter
If we do decide with a nominal fee model, then having two registration options
zoom has a registration required option
Also need DOCE registration if collecting fee
Tell people to register with ufl account, but if they cannot, then workshop coordinator should verify
we could use zooms’ automatic registration:
we can review and approve their registration
we can have zoom automatically approve them, but the link is unique to that user
does restrict the zoom browser, can’t use the web client
Brian ran a workshop on this, had 100 participants, no issues
allows you to know exactly who is attending the workshop, and allows you to disable the link
make the moderator also the code of conduct faciliator, to ensure that theres nothing odd
For now, make ufl email manditory, but what about non-ufl workshop attendees?
case by case basis, bring to the board
if registration is run through DOCE, Alethea and Flora will separate out non-ufl emails
Elise will email UF carpentries code of conduct board for now to see if they have guidelines
Carpentries membership renewal
gold membership
$15k per year, includes in person instructor training as well as 6 online instructor trainings
silver membership
$7,500 per year, no in person training, but 6 online instructor training
Training records (capacity 24)
2018, <= 19 people
2019, <= 17 people
Have we hit saturation with the number of instructors that we’re training?
In person instructor training costs:
$100/night*4 nights= $400
$750 airfare * 2 instructros = $1500
$9400 saved if we don’t do the gold level ($25-50/person)
about $750-900 per workshop (30 people, Alethea confirmed)
With $9400, could subsidize full expenses for 10-12 workshops, half expenses for 20-25 workshops (assuming in person workshops)
Could we alternate gold membership every other year, then each year, we could: offer free or reduced workshop costs, more equitable access to our workshops, more direct benefits to sponsors (money helps directly fund workshops for students/staff
Disadvantages: less money to the Carpentries, reduced access to instructor training
Big unknown, don’t know if we will be able to have an in person instructor workshop
Some departments have had budget cuts, may be unlikely to supply similar funding in the future, university may have budget cuts
If we used IFAS funds for silver, then 3k would be remaining, would be useable for workshops, but with remaining funds, IFAS will not carry forward beyond this fiscal year
could address this closer to the date
Going for silver this year? we put to vote, unanimous decision to go for only silver membership this year
Next meeting agenda item
will resume discussion next Tuesday at 2:30
August workshops and other item tabled
for the next meeting: add agenda item for how we approach sponsors this year