2020-04-28 Board Meeting
- Approve minutes from the last meeting: https://github.com/UF-Carpentry/website/blob/master/_minutes/Board-2020-04-14.md
- Geospatial meets NEON workshop
- 5/18 & 5/19
- free
- 12 participants
- instructor/moderator/helper signup
- registration pages
- website updates
- REC online workshop survey
- geospatial + special topic?
- dates June 15/16, June 22/23?
- Github integration on Carpentries Slack
Carla, Vratika, Eve, Minghao, Brian, Elise
Approve minutes from the last meeting:
- minutes approved, minor edits requested
Geospatial meets NEON workshop
- 5/18 & 5/19
- free
- 12 participants
- instructor/moderator/helper signup:
- instructors: have enough instructors for one instructor every 1.5 hours
- moderators: have enough moderators, will need to decide how their timing will be split up
- helpers: will field questions in the chat box
- In the workshop:
- students first post questions in the chat
- helpers keep track of the questions in the chat box
- if needed, helpers can have a private chat box with the student
- registration pages:
- Alethea will create a registration link for the free workshop
- We will update the website with the registration link
- website updates
- add in section about how the virtual workshop will work
- Instructors and moderators will need to meet before the workshop to discuss agenda, etc.
- agreed on 3pm on the 12th of May, carpentries board meeting will be from 2:30 to 3 on the same day
- will use raise hand as the stickies
REC online workshop survey: not discussed, will get updates from Jenicca via email
- geospatial + special topic?
- dates June 15/16, June 22/23?
Github integration on Carpentries Slack
- does anyone find the github/slack integration useful?
- Agreed, not particularly useful
- Brian will disable, could always enable it again if it is missed
Next agenda items:
- eventually will have to add the election to agenda items
Next meeting:
- Vratika will be chair
- Minghao will be secretary