2020-01-14 Board Meeting
- Discuss New Workshops
- instructor training
- DC ecology
- DC geospatial
- Genomics
- Discuss having another social at EPI before workshops start this semester
- Report on REC workshops and progress
- Dr. Michailidis and UFII collaboration/workshops
- Travel grants and awards
- Potential NEON collaboration
Board members: Eve Bohnett (chair), Brian Stucky (secretary), Vratika Chaudhary, Minghao Gong, Carla Mavian, Elise Morrison, Jenicca Poongavanan
Guests: Geraldine Klarenberg
Minutes from last week’s meeting
Spring workshops
- We still don’t have enough information to schedule the instructor training.
- Brian will contact Maneesha (again) and try to get a firm answer on a mid-March workshop. March 9-10 might be the only option for us.
- He will also contact Francois and Kari separate about availability.
- REC workshops
- Geraldine and Jenicca are meeting with the IFAS dean on Thursday about workshop funding and goals.
- Need to set location for REC workshop.
- Social sciences workshop
- Formerly the ecology workshop.
- Target February 10-11 for this one.
- Will host at UFII.
- Geospatial workshop
- We will target March 30-31.
- Will host at UFII.
- Genomics workshop
- Carla: Thinking of early April for this.
- Elise will confirm the UFII reservations for all workshop dates.
Dr. Michailidis and UFII collaboration/workshops
- Have yet to schedule the postponed meeting for the spring.
- Geraldine will follow up on this.
Travel grants and awards
- Jenicca and Vratika have been working on this.
- Planning on January 21 opening for applications, with deadline on February 4.
- Evaluation committee will make decision by February 28, results announced on March 1.
- Evaluation committee: Carla, Minghao, Elise
Spring social(s)
- The informatics room is booked for January 29 from 11:30-1:30 for our spring social.
- Please print and post the announcement flyer.
- We will have a short slideshow running in the background during the social. Depending on attendance, we could also deliver a short presentation from the slides.
- Eve found a Carpentries intro slide on the Web; she will convert it to a Google Slides presentation that we can collaboratively edit.
- Brian will draft an email announcement.
Potential EPI social
- We’ll see how the January social goes, then decide whether to host another at EPI.
- Elise: Rather than holding another social, we could investigate hosting a table at EPI or other events. In terms of number of people we’d reach, that might be far more cost-efficient than hosting more socials.
- Carla: EPI has a “Research Day” on February 13 at the Union that could be a venue for this.
- Carla will contact EPI about hosting a table at EPI Research Day.
Potential collaboration with NEON
- Felipe Sanchez, a fisheries masters student who works at NEON, contacted us about running a NEON workshop.
- Felipe is planning to attend our next board meeting, and we’ll learn more then.
Next board meeting
- Tuesday, January 28, 2:30 PM
- Vratika will be chair, Jenicca will be secretary.