2019-10-08 Board Meeting
- Meeting schedule for the rest of the semester.
- Board positions (chair, secretary, etc.).
- Workshop updates
- Fall R Carpentries workshop. Curriculum discussion
- Genomics workshop
- Spring ML workshop, meeting with Dr. Michailidis
- Travel awards update
- More official “carpentries” presence at UF.
Board members: Brian Stucky (chair), Elise Morrison (secretary), Eve Bohnett, Minghao Gong, Vratika Chaudhary, Jenicca Poongavanan; Guests: Dan Maxwell, Taylor Paisie
Meeting schedule
Tuesdays at 3:45 PM actually work for everyone, so we’ll continue with that.
Meeting minutes
Conditionally approved; will review and raise an issue if anything is incorrect.
Genomics workshop update
- Workshop title: “Intro to genomics”.
- Standard registration fee ($45).
- Update Taylor Paise when the registration page is active, and when the website is up
Logins, etc.
- New board members are able to access GitHub, Google drive, Etc
Board positions
- Rotate through board positions, every 2 meetings, switch roles for Chair, Secretary
- Is everyone ok with continuing this method?
- On the wiki, there is great documentation:
- Secretary:
- https://github.com/UF-Carpentry/Coordination/wiki/(Secretary)-Taking-Board-Meeting-Minutes
- Chair:
- https://github.com/UF-Carpentry/Coordination/wiki/Chair-responsibilities-and-guidelines
- Treasurer doesn’t rotate, responsibilities are also on the wiki:
- https://github.com/UF-Carpentry/Coordination/wiki/(Treasurer)-Tracking-the-Budget
- Invite Geraldine to give an overview of the Treasurer role; Oct. 22nd meeting
- Eve volunteered to help with treasurer role
Status on upcoming workshop
- Intro to R workshop
- Which modules do we want to add? Software vs. Data Carpentry
- First day: intro to R
- Do we want to include SQL? Depending on the audience, SQL might be useful (Health sciences would find it useful) Lesson might be too short
- What is our target audience? New Graduate Students
- Second day: do we want to include version control (1/2 day)
- Data carpentry has an excel lesson: 1.5 hours, do we want to include this?
- Data quality control lesson (20 min)
- Excel, R lesson, Unix Shell (really shortened; no bash scripting), Git/GitHub
- Title: Intro to Data Analysis with R and Version Control
- If board members are not certified instructors, they could still teach as long as we have one certified instructor present
Machine learning Workshop
- Meeting with Dr Michailidis; he is willing to offer more funding towards travel grants.
- Workshop in spring withh be python based, which would need an intro to python or people should have a basic skill with python
- In the spring, we could host an intro to python workshop (Software Carpentry)
Spring workshops
- Dan Maxwell recommends working closer with Health Sciences, people there could use intro to R
- Who can we contact to send out announcements?
- Future agenda item: how to reach out to Health Sciences? Dan will act as contact to help reach out
Travel awards updates
- Short proposals, evaluated, $500 for travel generally
- Additional funding from UFII could be available for additional travel awards
- Dr Michailidis would like to incentivize more people running workshops
- In the follow up meeting: find out what exactly he wants from this
- Special awards might be more than $500
- Dan has biodiversity and precision health grant as well
Officer positions for next meeting
- Vratika: Chair
- Jenicca: secretary