2019-09-25 Board Meeting
- Introductions
- Approve last week’s minutes
- Approve new board
- Elections debrief
- Hand over documents
- UF Ally Skills Network request for money for snacks (Oct 14 workshop)
- ResBaz debrief
- Start planning the Social Sciences workshop for Spring 2020 (I’ve invited Prof. Kroff and a few others to join us based on suggestions from Sasha)
- Status on upcoming workshops: Ecology (October), Genomics (Fall)
- Blog posts
Outgoing Board Members: Hao Ye, Geraldine Klarenberg, Gaurav Vaidya
Continuing Board Members: Brian Stucky, Elise Morrison
Incoming Board Members: Minghao Gong, Carla Mavian, Vratika Chaudhary, Jenicca Poongavanan
Non-board Members: Alethea Geiger (support staff), Edith Kaan (Linguistics), Eleonora Rossi (Linguistics), Taylor Paisie (EPI), Jorge Valdés Kroff (linguistics), Caroline Storer (FL Museum)
Meeting will be recorded this time
Meeting minutes approved
- 34 ballots in, had 8 people run for the board, designate 7 board members
- For the future: had two people eligible for “outreach” board member slot
- New board: does a specific policy need to be enacted for future policies re: outreach board member?
- Outreach board member: one member should be an outreach member to coordinate workshops outside of campus (usually at UF RECs)
- this board member often joins via zoom
- Jennica will be at the Ft. Lauderdale office
- Current board approves new board
- Feedback on elections:
- coffee hour socials
- meet and greets in other venues
- but workshops hard to coordinate food/logistics are much easier at UFII (thanks Alethea and Flora!)
- could increase diversity of groups
- Geraldine will send out stats soon re: attendance for workshops
- Send out board meeting announcments to other listserves
Handover documents to new board
- Github organization
- New board members: give Hao your github username
- WEBSITE: important for updating website, particularly secretary minutes
- COORDINATION WIKI: very useful for organizing workshops, board responsibilities
- also has issues, where agenda is listed
- board doesn’t need to organize every workshop themselves; reach out to community members
- Slack (new admins can be added; Gaurav will add new board members who want to help manage)
- Twitter (new admins can be added; Gaurav will add new board members who want to help manage)
- Facebook (new admins can be added; Gaurav will add new board members who want to help manage)
- UF Informatics Teaching listserve
- Google Drive Folder:
- slides for workshops
- budgets
- spreadsheets
- Google group: just for emails
Get to know Alethea and Flora
- For the handover, have old board members come and help lead/explain for the first few meetings
- add fundraising/sponsorship to the “Treasurer” meeting
UF Ally Skills Workshop
- requesting funding for snacks
- NERDI, Biology, UFII
- Requesting $25 total
UF Research Bazaar
- Not as much attendance as we would have liked
- People registered but not attended
- Cap was in place because of the reception
- $10 for 3 days, might do a higher price for lunch
- Registration should be improved
Spring workshops
- Carpentries has a social sciences curriculum
- Gaurav reached out to Sasha (previous instructor)
- Dr. Kroff, Dr. Kaan
- Interested in seeing the curriculum
- Alethea/Flora coordinate food/logistics
- Main need would be initial outreach
- Board could recruit instructors
- What are the computational skills that their skills need?
- Data managing, formatting
- all use R, tidyverse
- repeated measures human data
- summarizing, data trimming, visualization
- diversity of data; brain images, electrical signals, etc.
- students have a large interest in having a workshop
- https://github.com/UF-Carpentry/Coordination/wiki/Organizing-a-Workshop
- https://datacarpentry.org/lessons/#social-science-curriculum
- Organize after instructor training to recruit new instructors
- Could take whatever’s useful from Carpentries lessons, mix and match material/bring in the data that they want to use
- Carpentries curriculum is under creative commons license
Fall Workshops
R workshop
- ResBaz planning took a lot of time, did not leave Elise/Brian enough time to schedule this workshop for October
- rescheduling for early/mid November
- Elise and Brian will coordinate with Vratika to organize this
Genomics workshop
- Taylor and Carla needs access to the waiting list
- Data analysis and visualization: is this curriculum up and running?
- Would like to run the workshop at UFII (room is already reserved)
Instructor Training
- Global carpentries instrutors need to know when we’re planning to conduct the instructor training, so they find the instructors
- One instructor training per year (spring)
Board meeting schedule
- every other week Tuesdays (Oct. 8th) 3:45pm
- send out availability poll before the meeting (Brian)
- on agenda next meeting: scheduling board meetings
- Elise/Brian will be chair/secretary