2018-09-25 Board Meeting
Matt, Brian, Justin, Hao, Simona (remote), Kristina (remote), Joe Andreoli, Punam Amratia and Nitya Singh (remote), Geraldine (remote), Adam Rivers (remote)
- election process debrief
- finalizing the board
- October workshop logistics
- other Fall events
Election Process debrief
- low turnout
- website issues
- original email got sent twice
- Dan Maxwell had the wrong email address
- why not google forms? Unless you log in, can vote multiple times
- look into alternative options
- check email list for next time
Finalizing the board
- tie during the election
- agree that Joe and Gauruv can both serve
- new board can formalize procedures to handle ties in the future
- membership in the club is not defined, but anyone can add themselves to the mailing list
- Brian, Elise, Gauruv, Geraldine, Hao, Joe, Kristina, Simona (announcement)
October 4 (1-day) workshop
- is full (without yet email to grad list)
- 7 folks coming as a result of idigbio summit
- (from Nitya) have not done the workshop before, more comfortable as a helper
October 23-24 workshop (geospatial)
- several folks have gone through onboarding
- Justin will reach out to instructors to decide who’s teaching what
- figure out which components should be taught - questionnaire for the attendees to identify background and skills
- teach all the lessons initially, and then get responses from attendees on what was useful and what was redundant - help us plan for future workshops
- check on dates (some confusion over whether it is 22-23 or 23-24) - when do we have the room booked for?
Anything else for the semester
- Justin, Ben, and Shawn are planning an R bootcamp
- October 20 is Hacktoberfest event (OSC, Hackathoners, DSI)
More workshops at RECs / general outreach and other events
- Zack Brym is interested in offering a workshop at PREC
- long-term, plan to have a 1-workshop at a different location per semester (try to get more involvement from local communities, might start on annual basis)
- a majority of the attendees for the Fort Lauderdale workshop were not UF, but from other institutions
- how do we do workshops at other institutions - we bring some of the enthusiasm and instructors, and other places provide experienced instructors and logistics - possible way to address resources needs
- possible for USDA and USGS cooperation, especially for instructor training
- Carpentries organization is interested in smaller meetings (than carpentry con) every other year - Justin expressed interest in hosting
Travel Awards
- get the call out this week (2x $500 awards)
- review applications at next meeting
other items
- onboarding document for new board members (Matt and Justin)
- discussion over board roles