2018-05-22 Board Meeting


Justin, Hao, Punam, Ben, Miao, Matt, Kristina (remote)


  1. Carpentry Con
  2. June 25 Workshop
  3. Renewal Funding
  4. Surinam
  5. Website
  6. Summer Board positions


Carpentry Con

Justin is working on the poster - will get data from Matt on workshop attendees to make figures.

What sessions should Justin attend?

  • community building
  • library carpentry (possible lessons for future workshops)
  • funding for workshops / advantages of membership

Hao is going to the West Coast Carpentry Con at UC Davis (June 30 - July 1)

June 25 Workshop

Of the survey respondents, 22 requested R, and 18 requested Python (includes those who wanted both). Decided to do an R-based Data Carpentry workshop, following the same schedule as the FLREC one run previously by Simona.

List of tasks:

  • Punam will work with Flora on adverts and announcements.
  • Punam will update coordination page.s
  • Punam will setup the webpage / github repo for the workshop, possibly with assistance from Justin.
  • Announcements - first to instructors, then to waiting list (Matt will provide info), then EPI, then all grad students.

Renewal Funding

See issue #27 for info from Ethan White about continued support for 2018-2019. Board decided to begin contacting various departments / groups for funding. No specifics on what benefits departments get for their contributions, but can include workshops on specific topics, guaranteed seats at instructor training, guaranteed seats at workshops.

Identified the following possible groups: WEC, IFAS, Museum, SFRC, Geography, EPI, Engineering, Social Sciences, Biostats / Health Sciences, TCD, Journalism

Coordination will be done through a google sheet.


No current plans to teach workshops in Surinam, considered contacting folks on the Carpentry slack who may have more info on setting up international workshops and coordinating.


Use Netlify to host the website, which can be pointed to by reserved domain name. Tentatively scheduled work for Thursday.

Summer board positions

  • Simona is chair, Hao is secretary, Matt is staying treasurer.
